Tuesday, January 25, 2011

100 Days!

100 days into the school year.
100 days of memories.
100 days of yelling at teachers.
100 days of being with your peers. 
100 days into our future.
100 days till WE are out of that place.

Today was our 100th day of school. This time it was different. No shirt making. No free hot chocolate. No tuck in shirt day. No smarties for the high honor students. Nothing. But, I am still a proud cougar.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I Love Him

He can forgive the ones that go to his feet and forgive. The one willing to wet his feet in tears and dry it with their hair. The one to pour all they have on his feet than the one that offers them in their home for dinner.
Why can't we do that? Forgive the ones that need it most. Make their past, the past. Guide them to their future. To not look at them like they are filthy. We all make mistakes. We all need forgiveness. As he will forgive.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Thursday, January 13, 2011

There's this place....

There is this place where I am inspired everyday.
I walk into the room and writing ideas flare into my head.
I get mind boggled from the excitement I get.
I get inspired just looking out of the window and seeing the flagpole and know I am a proud American.
I look at the teacher and know I want to be like them when I grow up.
This is the place where I am inspired everyday. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dis is how it be

i no english
what u mean i does not
how you go and say that to me
i got school
i goes all day
i no english
We state that we know how to speech. But why do we let kids run around talking like this? In a recent song by Ke$ha (and yes, putting symbols in names is not cool either.) "Blah Blah Blah" they sing "Cause I don't care who you are in this bar, it only matters who I is" Can parents teach their kids to speak some proper english?

White Wonderland

I look outside and I see a big blanket, I never knew could be. 
This blanket does not warm you up.
It keeps mother nature away from it's beauty.
Makes the gold disappear 
But what could it be?
A White Wonderland

Monday, January 10, 2011


Silence no one will know.
Silence no one will vow.
Silence one will hurt.
So how do we know the correct time to stay silent? How do we know when to shout?
Being silent and not speaking up will cure one and hurt another. So what do we do?

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Why does laughing make us feel so happy? Why does laughter make all of our problems go away? Unless it brings the new problem of peeing in your pants, it does put away all of your problems.
The past few days I have been in a down mood and just not happy. Today I realized what makes me happy no matter what is going on in my life.
I was on Facebook snooping around and I saw my cousin in England posted a new status. I went to her "wall" and started to read everything in a British accent. Apparently "beyond drunk" can sound so much more funny in an accent. I read the rest of her page wondering if it was all funny with an accent.
I wonder if people in England try to act like they have an American accent.
Also if you are down, google funny jokes. Laughter should be a prescription instead of people going on antidepressant pills. 
......oh the things that go through the human minds at a late hour.....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

RE: Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol: Cool or Not Cool?

This is a topic Aadil Malik (Truth From a Teen founder) posted on his blog and this is what I think.
SEX: Teenage pregnancy has been an outrage lately in America. It is common in other countries but not here in America. My view is...Sex is to show love. When two man and woman are in love for a long time it is acceptable at higher ages(17 and up in my opinion). No glove no love. It is not cool to run around with an STD. Some STD's can be passed out just like a cold. So why even risk it? I do not believe in running around having it just to feel good. If you want to feel good, come here I'll give you a hug and talk to you. Strangers are welcomed to talk:)

NOT COOL. I am against doing them for myself. One topic I came across is the legalization of marijuana. I personally do not believe in smoking it but I do think it should be legal. 2 reasons. 1. If we legalize it less people will do it. Most people do it so they can get attention because it is illegal so they are so bad and hood. 2. People do it anyway. I have heard many stories of pot being more safe than other common used drugs like alcohol and cigarettes. Every "stoner" will agree with this but this is coming from a drugless person's opinion. 
NOT COOL. I do not have much to say about this topic. Over doing it is wrong. Going out every once in a while and getting a few drinks isn't bad. They should put the age limit younger like Europe because their teen drinking is lower than here. My point is like #1 in drugs.

Being over exhausted

 School may not be the most tiring thing but people can get mentally exhausted. I may not be physically going over my homework but at least every 10 minutes I am going over what I did that day and reflecting on that day. I am very self-conscious of my school work. I try to stay active by going to the gym every Monday and that is very tiring because it keeps me up all night. I have been so tired and I have been wanting to go to sleep for the past two days. Tonight is an early bedtime. 730 night? I think so:)

Being Myself and Misunderstandings

I have deleted two of my blogs. I have not been myself when creating these posts so I deleted them to start of fresh. Everyone deserves a second chance. I have been hearing people talk about how I can not take criticism, that I do not care what people have to think and more. Well my response to those comments are  right here in my blog. I want to know people's feedback. I just will not make a whole blog on other people's side of the story. If you state your side I will just read it and it will not affect my opinion as much as you would like. I would love for people to read my blog but this is my own personal way of relaxing doing what I love to do best, write. I am me for me. I will not change for anyone else but myself. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

School 2011

I have noticed that study halls are silent. Students should be able to have a side of the room to whisper. When someone needs help they can not talk to ask for help? This is a problem and should be faced. Each study hall should be split in half and one side should have a talking side so we can ask for help. Today I realized I could not ask someone what the homework was to even do something in study hall. They should also start to check people on the computer. Students should not be able to go onto google and look up random images. This should be a time to do school work. Yes, I am on the computer on Blogger.com which should be a shame that I can get away with a long blog in the middle of study hall. This is a problem our school faces.