Friday, February 4, 2011

Pet Peeves

Random pet peeves that I feel like sharing.
1. When watching a movie and something unexpected happens and someone asks
"Why did they do that?" or something on the lines of that.
2. People who just make sure the conversation is about them.
3. Scratching chalkboards.
4. When playing ball and you chase after the ball and someone throws it the opposite way or just WON'T give it to you. 
5.People who honestly believe in 2012 and are like..I have to do it NOW before I die...well i hope they know that they can die tomorrow. They wont wait until 2012.
6. When you get one point away from a good grade.
7. Ghetto talk.
8. Donkeys in a hole( think about it...)
9. Not being able to come up with ideas...
10. When I do come up with an brilliant idea and it never fallows through.